Alumni Spotlight – July 2023

July 2023 Spotlight: Nathalie Saliba

Nathalie Saliba, ISPA Class of 2020, Florida International University, Graduating in May of 2024

Degree: B.S. in Biological Sciences, B.A. in Natural & Applied Sciences, and Minor in Chemistry

Career Goals: Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

What has been the biggest surprise about the college experience? Personally, the biggest surprise about the college experience was the freedom that came with picking your schedule. Choosing classes is a flexible process, so I am able to attend class two days per week and work at the Urgent Care for the rest of the week.

Most challenging coursework in college? The most challenging course that I have taken in college thus far would have to be a tie between Calculus and the Organic Chemistry series. Calculus was difficult, since math was never my strong suit. However, the Organic Chemistry series was hard in the sense that it was like learning a foreign language.

Accomplishment most proud of? I am very proud of myself for taking on such a challenging career path. Although I will be studying for a long time, it will all be worth it when I can give back to my community as a physician.

Can you provide any advice for current ISPA students? The biggest piece of advice that I would like to give to current ISPA students is to stop doubting your abilities. Whatever your goal is, you will be able to achieve it as long as you have passion, drive, and a plan.

Can you tell us how ISPA prepared you for success in college and in life? ISPA prepared me for success in college and in life by teaching me the importance of meaningful writing and communication. This skill was emphasized in every class, but especially my French Language, Humanities, English, and AP courses. With these writing skills, I have been able to communicate eloquently at school, work, and beyond.

I paid for college with… grants, scholarships, AP, and Dual Enrollment credits.

Fondest memory from High School? That’s a difficult question, I have plenty of wonderful memories at ISPA. I loved participating in Mr. Bravo’s chorus class, band, and music showcases. I also enjoyed taking A.P. English Language with Ms. Milian, and French Language/Literature with Mme. Lhermitte. The highlight of my senior year was probably serving as ISPA’s SGA Treasurer. But most of all, I loved the sense of community that ISPA had to offer along with the relationships that I have cultivated with my classmates, faculty, and staff.