Alumni Spotlight – April 2023

April 2023 Spotlight: Francisco Pérez

Francisco Pérez, ISPA Class of 2018, University of Miami Class of 2020, Institute of World Politics Class of 2023

Degree: BA in Political Science and History, 2020 – MA in Statecraft and National Security Affairs, 2023

Career Goals: U.S. Intelligence Community

What has been the biggest surprise about the college experience? The level of independence and mutual understanding between students and professors was probably the biggest culture shock about college. Nevertheless, if harnessed with self-discipline and maturity, it’s a hugely rewarding approach to adulthood.

Most challenging coursework in college? My undergrad coursework in biological anthropology was certainly a fun challenge. I have absolutely no background in the natural sciences but I even had to memorize the itemized skeletal structure of great apes, which was pretty unique and unexpected.

Accomplishment most proud of? I’m very proud of the work I do on behalf of the American people every day at the U.S. House of Representatives. Hearing from and constituents all across the country about their needs and aspirations really inspires me to continue a life of public service.

Can you provide any advice for current ISPA students? Work smart, take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, and don’t let distractions get in the way of your life goals.

Can you tell us how ISPA prepared you for success in college and in life? ISPA greatly prepared me for college and my career path through world-class language instruction in Spanish and French (which are beneficial in government work) and AP classes which fostered critical thinking and writing skills, particularly Ms. Feiler’s Capstone Seminar and Research classes.

I paid for college with…Scholarships, thanks to all of the AP credits I was able to take at ISPA and a solid GPA. Even graduate school is being fully-funded by institutional and outside grants and fellowships, so getting good grades does go a long way.

Fondest memory from High School? Overall, I had a fantastic time at ISPA and it gave me the opportunity to cultivate relationships with a great group of friends.